Dedicated to Amateur Radio and all of it's ECCENTRIC Operators.
IN 1961
KI6KY (Extra Class)
John K Browne
3010 Grinnel Pl
Davis, CA 95616
You know, it really irks me to have to write this. I've been monitoring the three of you (and other illegal participants such as "Dennis", "Brian" and "Neil" - unknown call signs) on 7.255 Khz since about 2100Z today. Thus far, I have gathered enough incriminating evidence on all of you and others, including the distasteful, nasty, crude/rude four letter words from KI6KY, to request action by the FCC against your station licenses. In short, I'm hearing your call signs associated with the QSO on 7.255 Khz, alternately playing previously tape recorded segments of other amateur radio stations, i.e., call signs of non-participating amateurs, so as to make it appear THEY are involved in the QSO and have made certain radio transmissions, but are not involved in any way. Pre-recorded segments have been heard from K6EA, K7LJ and KO6JD. On the latter, KO6JD can be heard saying "THAT'S NOT ME!" over and over. Overall, your combined behaviors makes amateur radio look and sound really bad, like a convention of mentally deranged sickos. And you're giving amateur radio a bad name. Obviously with EXTRA Class & ADVANCED amateur radio licenses, and your knowledge of the rules, ALL of you know this is absolutely wrong. At 0032Z I heard your call sign(s) associated with the statement, "I like to talk to retards when I'm not working DX." At 0034Z and thereafter, I'm hearing you and others playing music, which is strictly prohibited. It would appear that you, W6AD, and K7ZAR, are exchanging turns playing various music clips, due to the respective varying received signal strengths. Gentlemen, you've been engaged in doing this for a long time and today is not an isolated incident. It's time to clear the air of this nonsense, please, or other dire consequences will follow. I for one believe you all need to be heavily fined for your deliberate disregard of the communication rules and common decency, if not REMOVED from the airwaves altogether and your operating privileges revoked. I'm also concerned that other stations participating with you in the QSO on 7.255 today have not taken the lead in self-policing this matter and putting a stop to it, but for whatever reason, have allowed it to continue, if not cheering it on. The other station participants involved have included, but are not limited to: W6CUP; WG6K, WB6GUY; WA7RPS (now KZ7Y), NF6Y; KG6OKG; and, N6RVV. It's time to knock it off gentlemen and show some respect for the amateur radio fraternity. Enough said.
John R. Prukop/WA7BZI
John, You sound a little confused with your rash unsubstatiated accusations!
Maybe that's why you are still an advanced class licensee.
I was trying to hold a QSO today with many of the stations that you mentioned, and we were being jammed by the notorious tape playing jammer, who has been bothering us for a number of years. If you had adequate listening skills, you may have detected that many of the violations or even the stations, that you accused, were actually recordings, and not from the stations that you falsley accuse, putting yourself at risk of libel. It is difficult to PROVE who is commiting the offense, beyond reasonable doubt. As you get older, you may want to work on your lack of equanimity, and be more careful before flying into making excited rash accusations.
Please cease and desist with your harrassing profanity laced emails. We have complained to the FCC, for ten years, about this jammer, to no avail. I presume the FCC has the equipment, or at least the budget for direction finding equipment.
Since they have done nothing about this jammer, we have tried to persevere,
only to have people, like you , jump to eroneous conclusions. We have been jammed with recordings of ourselves and fellow hams, for many many years now.
We are getting so frustrated with FCC inaction, that we are contemplating contacting our representatives, in Washington, about the "do nothing" FCC! Your statement, that you have evidenc,e is indicative of the fact that despite you claim of being a "para-legal, ou remain woefully ignorant of FCC law even at the age of 62 years.
Sincerely, John K. Browne KI6KY
In 1988, Congress amended subsection 223(b) of the Communications Act of 1934 to ban indecent and obscene interstate commercial phone messages, regardless of age. This made the business of Sable Communications, who had been in the dial-a-porn industry since 1983, illegal. The federal parties had argued that the only way to prevent children's access to dial-a-porn messages was through the complete ban of their telephone services. Sable Communications argued that the "legislation creates an impermissible national standard of obscenity, and that it places message senders in a 'double bind' by compelling them to tailor all their messages to the least tolerant community.[13][14] The Court said that if the government wants to protect children in this regard, it must do so by technological means, rather than by a total ban on the transmission of these messages.[15] Although some children might be able to defeat these devices, a banning these services would have the impermissible effect of "limiting the content of adult telephone conversations to that which is suitable for children to hear."[13][16] In 1988, Congress amended subsection 223(b) of the Communications Act of 1934 to ban indecent and obscene interstate commercial phone messages, regardless of age. This made the business of Sable Communications, who had been in the dial-a-porn industry since 1983, illegal. The federal parties had argued that the only way to prevent children's access to dial-a-porn messages was through the complete ban of their telephone services. Sable Communications argued that the "legislation creates an impermissible national standard of obscenity, and that it places message senders in a 'double bind' by compelling them to tailor all their messages to the least tolerant community.[13][14] The Court said that if the government wants to protect children in this regard, it must do so by technological means, rather than by a total ban on the transmission of these messages.[15] Although some children might be able to defeat these devices, a banning these services would have the impermissible effect of "limiting the content of adult telephone conversations to that which is suitable for children to hear."[13][16] now. We are getting so frustrated with FCC inaction, that we are contemplating contacting our representatives, in Washington, about the "do nothing" FCC! Your statement, that you have evidenc,e is indicative of the fact that despite you claim of being a "para-legal, ou remain woefully ignorant of FCC law even at the age of 62 years. Sincerely, John K. Browne KI6KY K-Y Filter Co.
Wonder what's going on in Libya?? Click here to watch Al Jazeera English news!
Click here to watch Press news from Iran!
Click here to watch BBC news!
Click on the KC-135 picture, for the rest of the story!
on the left Ki6ky in 1966........on the right Jeff Crooms
Click on the beer to take a luxury cruise mit Herr Cupp w6cup
Bill Thompson N6NWX in 2011
Its Bike Riding Weather--Did a 37 Miler 2day
Bike in back is my Trek Triathlon And other my Giant Racing Bike----Averaged 16.8 MPH a little slow---Getting back in Shape Charlie Cupp W6CUP
17 year old Charlie Cupp on the Left
W6CUP/MM SS Kiaora--West Coast to Europe--1959
The picture above was a gift to Air Force photographer ki6ky, from the Boys, before his Air Force discharge in 1967. Some guys did not like him, hence the urinal setting.
06//06/2010 William Melchior....... I provided the beads. Thanks for the smile this morning.
06/06/2010 Dave Bernier .......John, What a classic..!! Lots of items to examine in there. I noticed we didn't bother to scrub the urinal before we set up the shot. Go figure..!! Can't remember the name of the dude in the center... but I remember he was a just a bit strange.
William Melchior ....... After the service he became an insurance salesman in Michigan. I remember hime wearing earphones that were not connected to anything.
06/06/2010 John Browne ....... He arrived when I was seriously FIGMO (Only weeks to go) His name was Kiel and he was going to get an operation to fix his protruding jaw! I never heard how it turned out! I never did get the significance of the Hitler Moustache, but maybe someone like Gerardi thought that was a good idea. Thanks for the response guys!!! You have cheered up this Old Man!!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie Cupp's newest toys!
From: William Crowell
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: remote equipment lineup Date: Apr 7, 2010 8:58 AM Attachments: remote equipment.jpg jamming juke box.jpg
In response to many requests, here are pictures of my remote jamming station equipment.
Best 73. Billy the Former Bill Collector
Click on PJB's picture to visit his website.
DF measurements, taken from Davis, CA on the relentless, tape playing, jammer.
Add your own comments to the INFANTILE JAMMER'S CHAT BOARD above.
Tell the puerile nitwits what YOU think!!
63 year old N6NWX LADIES MAN. (Eat your heart out Minden!!)
Click on the above picture for more sunspot details.
Click on the picture to hear K6PN on drums!!
Click on the picture to see the cartoon.
The harbor webcam from KI6KY's hometown of Ramsgate, Kent, England
You may have to hit refresh or reload to get the latest image.
Click on the above picture to read about ki6ky's boyhood adventures in Ramsgate.
Date: Aug 10, 2009 12:22
Subject: QST:
What to do if the FCC tries to drag you to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge
If the FCC ever comes after you and tries to take you to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge in Washington, D.C., the most important things to remember are:
You've got the right to keep operating until your case is finally adjudicated, as long as you applied for renewal in a timely fashion. See Section 307(c) of the Communications Act and Title 47 CFR Chapter 1, Part 1, Subpart A, Sec. 1.62:
BUT REALLY THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS TO Make a motion before the ALJ to delete issues (i.e., to dismiss your case because there are no valid issues as a matter of law) under 47 CFR Chapter 1, Part 1, Subpart B, Sec. 1.229 in a timely fashion!!!!:
Also, within the same time limit, make a motion to expand the issues under Sec. 1.229 to include the Enforcement Bureau's abuse of discretion in proceeding against you. Otherwise you won't be able to claim that the E.B. abused its discretion, which is like fighting with one hand tied behind your back."WARNING: The motion must be made within 15 days of the date your Hearing Designation Order is published in the Federal Register!! This is very little time, and you really need to get your butt in gear right away if you are going to meet the deadline. If you snooze, you lose.
Base the motion on (as applicable):
1. There was nothing wrong with your transmissions as they were specifically authorized by your license grant.
2. There was no actual interference.
3. The other stations refused to share the frequency, although you were willing to share it.
4. The Commission's burden of proof includes actual intercepts made by Commission personnel or Sec. 154(F)(4) volunteers (which they never seem to have). Recordings and complaint letters made by other amateurs are inadmissible in evidence.
5. Your statements were a valid exercise of your free-speech rights. The Commission has no power to limit our free-speech rights because we are our own "public" under the Communications Act. We are not a broadcast radio service and amateur radio does not meet the requirements of the Red Lion Broadcasting case for the Commission to regulate the free-speech rights of its licensees.
The amateur service doesn't meet Red Lion's requirements because it is non-remunerative in nature and there is no specific frequency assignment.
The "Russian Woodpecker" antenna of years past
Click on the pictures to read about it.
Mr. Kinky-Yankee,
Sent: Feb 4, 2009 7:37 AM To: Subject: SWL report ~~ jammer performance evaluation Tuesday night around 7:45 local time, I was listening, {half listening}, to 1910. The Toll House Rd. station was S4; Larry was S3 w/QSB; & your signals were S5. I wuz using the TS-850 with AIP on in addition to 10dB attenuation, & a dipole cut for the 10 Mc band. Jammer-boy's signals were over S7 in Concord.
Thanks for your efforts G,
There are were two jammers that night. One was in the correct direction for Concord/South Bay etc., but the Northern one had a magnetic bearing of precisely 355 degrees magnetic from this QTH, arriving at a vertical angle of 45 degrees. There are a lot of possible locations in that direction, Roseville, Red Bluff, Redding, Chico etc.
It's OK though, because he is there for our pleasure!!! Indulging in feeding the rats, by insulting his mother etc., is a source of pleasure for me. It beats listening to each other!!!
If we didn't aknowledge that he exists, he would get bored and go away, but evidently we all seem to want him there!!!!
As you can see, when the right side is illuminated, the moon is waxing, and it is waning when the left side is illuminated.
I'm sorry to report that Norm died during April of 2008!
Click on the above logo for complete "space weather"!
The late "Dr. Greg" (K6FU) 1997
Posted by Blankhead #10 on 8/1/2001, 12:34 am That's the photo I took of Greg K6FU--SK at Boothill Cemetery, Tombstone, Arizona while visiting me along with Dave, W6AHN. Thanks for photo and listed members, keep the webpage going.
I received the filter in good condition.
Many thanks.
Your item arrived ahead of a UK placed order so you are to be commended :-)
de Vic G4BYG
K6NM,WB6BIK and KI6KY in 1991
Click on the picture to hear what was being said.
Thank you for your prompt service. Your filter arrived last night, as did a special "bulletproof, EMI-hardened" phone approved by the FCC. The phone cost me, with shipping, $87.69, and attenuated the noise by a significant margin (we live within a couple hundred yards of an AM broadcasting tower). Your $24.95 filter virtually ELIMINATED the interference, and was the clearcut winner.
I'm sending the phone back and buying 3 more filters. I'd previously tried an $11 filter from Radio Shack, but it was worthless--made the problem WORSE, so I didn't really expect much from yours, but was pleasantly surprised by its effectiveness.
Thanks for making such a good product!
Sincerely yours,
M. L. from Michigan
Mr and Mrs Cupp visit the Whitehouse
From Left to Right. KA6ZMI (EDDIE) ,WB6BIK, WA6ATI, KC6C (TOM) and ABQ (JACK)
Thanks for the quick delivery of the filter. I had it in place within 5 minutes of taking it out of the mailbox. It does a great job on the AM radio station noise that I was getting on my phone and my modem. There was so much noise that my modem would not connect to my ISP during the day. In the evening when the power was reduced I could get connected but daytime hours were impossible. Thanks for a product that works!
G. from Tennessee
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